Plasm and other compound words of -plasm
The word plasm come from Greek word plasma which means ‘to shape’. In medical science Plasm can be used as prefix or suffix e.g. plasma membrane and protoplasm respectively. –plasm, with the meaning of “living substance” or “substance of cell” used to form compound words. So here are few compound words where –plasm used as suffix. Axoplasm Cytoplasm Deutoplasm Ectoplasm Endoplasm Hyaloplasm Mitoplasm Neoplasm Nucleoplasm Periplasm Protoplasm Sarcoplasm Tonoplasm Being learners sometimes we may confused with them. So here are the meaning of some of these terms. Cytoplasm : It is gel like substance within a cell enclosed by cell membrane. Cytoplasm includes all material inside the cell but outside the nucleus, in other words cell nucleus is not the part of the cytoplasm. . Cytoplasm is colorless made up of 80% water, proteins, salts and minerals. Most of the cellular activities take place in...